The Chapter One of Filmi Keeda, a collaboration of The Red Sparrow and Purple Pencil Project, saw cinephiles and bibliophiles discussing Lootera, directed by Vikramaditya Motwane, inspired by O’Henry’s The Last Leaf. After the screening, a member of the film’s core team, Ishika Mohan Motwane spoke about the experience, the trials and the anecdotes from the sets (about Ranveer Singh’s acting approach, about the weather, about possible alternate endings and more!).
She also shared some of director’s own thoughts about the film, its climax (there was one ending which was left out. We won’t tell you what it was, you should’ve been there :p), the time period it was set in and more.
This was followed by the short story-versus-movie discussion in which everyone exchanged notes on character comparison, the beauty of story-telling via both the mediums, the essence of the plot, and the themes of love, redemption and art for art’s sake that dominate the stories.