Priyanka Chopra’s 4 year long hiatus from Bollywood finally comes to an end with the much awaited The Sky is Pink. Starring Farhan Akhtar, Priyanka Chopra, Zaira Wasim and Rohit Saraf in primary roles, the film definitely has a very talented roster of actors. Narrated by Aisha (Zaira Wasim), a teenager suffering from Busulfan Lung Damage, as she navigates through mortality and the erstwhile mortality of her parents marriage. Referring to herself as the “villain” in her parents’ love story, the narrator takes through her rather morbid yet comic perception of her disposition. 

Based on the life of Aisha Choudhary, who suffered from Pulmonary Fibrosis and yet made her struggles into her strengths and became a Motivational Speaker and Author. Directed by Shonali Bose, the film seems toned down on drama and sticks to the narrative. The refreshing take on the dialogues lends a refreshing air and relaxed tone to what seems like an emotional watch for many. The trailer progresses well enough to give an idea of what is happening in the movie yet does not give away much of the film and manages to set expectations. The love story of the lead characters meshes well with the story, with Farhan and Priyanka showing an incredible amount of chemistry and pull. So much so, that you would be fooled into thinking that this was a romantic comedy in the first half of the trailer. It is far from one, but the best of both worlds as they say.

Priyanka’s homecoming to Hindi films, this time as an actor and as a producer under the banner of Purple Pebble Pictures, a lot of bets have been placed on this film. From the trailer, it seems like a very engaging and heartwarming watch. The music score is composed by Pritam with lyrics by the very great Gulzar, so that is an avenue where The Sky is Pink will definitely shine.

The Sky is Pink will hit the screens on October 11, while premiering at the Toronto International Film Festival on September 13th.


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