Amazon Prime Video just dropped the trailer of Mahesh Narayanan’s highly anticipated movie – Malik. Produced by Anto Joseph, the film stars Fahadh Faasil (last seen in Joji & Irul) as Suleiman Malik & we could not take our eyes off the screen for even a second as this crime drama seems to promise everything that Fahadh is known for.
The story revolves around Suleiman being a saviour of his people and an exceptionally loved and powerful one at that. His leadership creates ripples that may or may not be good. The trailer seem to revolve around communal tension, politics and violence. The intense look that Fahadh has donned in this film is at its very best when he is seen aggressively killing someone with a pole and has blood splattered all over his face. As an actor as well as the character of Suleiman, he commands authority which is especially evident when he chants, “Anybody that wants to enter here needs our permission to do, we know how to protect our land.”
The film has an exceptional supporting cast with actors like Nimisha Sajayan, Joju George, Dileesh Pothan and Vinay Forrt. The protagonist’s ability to carry the cast, without outshining them but instead supporting them, showcases Fahadh’s caliber as an outstanding artist.
The trailer looks incredibly promising with gripping dialogues and scenes. As fast-paced as it is, it leaves the audience with a sense of curiosity & excitement. There is a lag of subtitles at certain points in this trailer which may leave non-Malayalam speaking fanbase baffled but regardless, one can’t wait to watch this film!
Malik releases on 15th July on Amazon Prime Video. You can catch the trailer here –