The trailer has just arrived and it has already created curiosity and excitement amongst the viewers. It is a directorial debut for R. Madhavan. The trailer unfolds a story about the ISRO’s Aerospace engineer Nambi Narayanan. It is a biographical account of the scientist, in which we witness Nambi talking about his life’s ups and downs, the accusation of espionage and arrest in 1994.

The film appears to be a flashback in which Nambi, at a talk show hosted by Shahrukh Khan (for Hindi & English) and Surya (for Tamil & Malayalam), is taking us back in time to tell his story. When asked why he answers, “so that it doesn’t happen to anyone else”.

The film looks promising, with great cast and visuals. The cast includes R. Madhavan as Nambi Narayanan and Simran Bagga as his wife, Shahrukh Khan, Surya, Rajit Kapoor among others.

Through the trailer itself the film looks massive and interesting. It has made some bold and blunt statements such as “what destroyed him was his patriotism for an ignorant nation” and “I am here so that what happened to me doesn’t happen to anyone else”. The film is said to be based on true events. Nambi, a 79 year old scientist, has written his autobiography and now this film promises to convey his story to a larger audience.

Kudos to R. Madhavan and team for backing a story as such – a story less told and a voice less heard.

Watch the trailer here –



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